
Wetland Mitigation: Planning Hydrology, Vegetation, and Soils for Constructed Wetlands
by Gary J. Pierce with contributing editors Mallory N. Gilbert and Robert J. Pierce
For those who work in wetlands, this book is the A to Z of construction and restoration. It focuses on the importance of water to wetland construction. As Dr. Paul Keddy writes in the Foreword to Wetland Mitigation:
“Half of the challenge, as Wetland Mitigation tells us, is simply getting the water right. Too much flooding, or too little flooding, can have disastrous effects on the survival of populations and emergence of communities. Now note the first two words in the sub-title. Planning hydrology. Get the hydrology right, this book says, and you are well on your way. It is a strong foundation. Get the water wrong, and you are heading for failure, or even disaster. This book has four entire chapters on water, all dealing one way or another with the hydrograph. A hydrograph is an essential tool for getting the water right.”
Other chapters detail the importance of setting goals for construction planning, preparing hydrographs and managing substrate and subgrade. The book provides models for wetland construction, discusses plants to include, where to get them, and how to plant them. Filled with full color photos and illustrations, graphs and tables, the book will quickly become your most important resource for wetland construction and restoration.
Purchase of the book entitles the buyer to access a secure website that contains an Excel program to prepare annual hydrographs based on monthly data sets. An instruction guide accompanies the program. The software allows a wetland designer to generate hydrographs that can be used for site evaluation and in preparing site grading plans. The Excel program can be readily modified to accommodate more sophisticated calculations and assumptions.
Only $100.00 (includes shipping within USA)
Purchase in bulk (5 copies or more) and pay only $85 per copy. Email or call 877-792-6482 for bulk orders.