Nationwide Permits (2024)
Course Overview
This online course will help you understand Nationwide Permits (NWPs), including which ones apply to a given project and how to combine them. NWPs were revised in 2021. 95% of all activities authorized by the US Army Corps of Engineers come under nationwide or other general permits. You need to know them. Not familiar with Nationwide Permits AND need more policy background? Register for Federal Wetland/Waters Regulatory Policy instead.
Nationwide Permits Online includes online lectures and access to the Wetland Training Institute discussion forum. Discussion boards ae available to ask questions, view/post additional material from instructors and other participants, and participate in discussions. Active participation will enhance the discussions and knowledge gained.
Materials include Nationwide Permits Complete 2022 Edition (book), and a printed copy of online lecture notes. Expect to spend a minimum of 8 contact hours online.
Tuition cost: $325.00
Your Course Includes
Nationwide Permits Complete
This exclusive WTI publication remains the single, organized source for all documents required to move effectively through the nationwide permit process.
Printed Lecture Notes and Electronic Resources
Receive a copy of lecture notes and a thumb drive of essential electronic resources to reference after the course.
Certificate of Completion
All participants in WTI courses receive a certificate of completion recognizing the course topic and minimum number of hours required to complete the course.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is self paced learning course you can access anytime after December 9, 2019. You can review lectures as many times as you wish until all online courses close on November 30th of each year.
Can I have face to face interation with Instructor
No, this is an online self paced course. However, you are free to contact the instructor via our course discussion board.
Does this course apply towards my certification program?
Your certificate of completion can be used to document instructional hours received in this topic. You should contact the specific certifying agency or association directly to find out how they will assess or credit this WTI course. Typically, our courses are accepted by all state and national certifying agencies and associations; however, you should confirm that with the specific certification program to which you are applying or renewing.
What our participants say…
“I liked the background information that the instructor shared. He was good about providing examples that he had worked on in the past. It was obvious that the instructor had a lot of experience in the subject matter.”
“I use the Nationwide Permits Complete book on a daily basis and find it extremely valuable. Thank you for continuing to offer courses and such materials to the public.”
Course Curriculum
Discussion: Welcome and Introduction (NWP – 2025)
Discussion: I have questions or comments (NWP-2025)
Welcome to Nationwide Permits (4 minutes)
General Permits (48 minutes)
Regulated Activities (50 minutes)
Geographical Jurisdiction (52 minutes)
Nationwide Permits – Part 1 (1 hour, 22 minutes)
Nationwide Permits – Part 2 (1 hour, 10 minutes)
Nationwide Permits – Part 3 (1 hour, 13 minutes)
NWP General Conditions (1 hour, 12 minutes)
Dr. Robert J. Pierce has more than 45 years experience in wetland regulation, delineation, construction/restoration, and functional assessment, including participation in the development of the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, training courses, and the Nationwide Permit program. He has frequently testified as an expert witness.