Wetland Training Courses

Wetland Training Institute, Inc. provides professional training in wetland delineation, soils and hydrology, federal regulatory policy, wetland construction and restoration, plant identification, mitigation banking concepts, wetland policy and permitting, and other riparian resources conservation issues. Click here to learn more about the Wetland Training Institute and our instructors.

COVID-19 Precautions

In light of state and national COVID-19 guidelines, WTI has developed plans to provide the safest possible field course environment while adhering to social distancing recommendations.  All participants must read, sign, and return our Participant Guidelines and COVID-19 Liability Waiver Form before the start date of your course in order to participate. If you are unable to do this, you will not be allowed to participate in the field course. All WTI course dates will continue to be contingent on CDC and State recommendations related to COVID-19 and social distancing requirements.

Course Content

Most Wetland Training Institute courses have broad applicability throughout the United States. Whether you take Basic Wetland Delineation in the Southwest or Advanced Hydric Soils in the Northeast, the majority of the course information will be applicable in either place. Wetland training courses on Plant Identification are regionally focused. Participants who successfully complete any WTI course receive a certificate of completion. (learn more about certification vs. certificates here).

The atmosphere at all courses is informal. In specified courses, your daily attire should be suitable for field excursions. In those courses, expect to get wet, dirty, and tired. Normally participants are not exposed to water greater than ankle deep, but obviously we cannot guarantee any particular field conditions.

Custom Designed Courses

WTI has custom designed numerous courses for government agencies and engineering and consulting firms to meet the specific needs of each organization’s staff, including environmental specialists, planners, executives, and construction managers. WTI is ready to customize a curriculum that meets your staff’s training needs in a cost-effective manner. For more information about options and training possibilities, contact us at or 877.792.6482.


Wetland Training Institute course instructors have been actively involved in the development of the technical procedures, manuals, policies, regulations, and judicial decisions that are the backbone of wetland science and wetland regulatory programs. Click here to view a list and links to publications by our WTI partners and instructors.

Registration and Payment

Openings in each course are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. To register: go to the desired course page, scroll down to the list of dates and locations, choose the desired location and click on the REGISTER NOW link. Payment can be made online via credit card. To register and pay with a check or government purchase order, please choose that option when registering, then email our office at for assistance.

Cancellation and Refunds

Registration payments received after a session has been filled to maximum enrollment will be returned. Should it become necessary for WTI to cancel a session, registrants will be contacted and offered the opportunity to participate in another session or to receive a full refund.

WTI must receive written notice of cancellation via email prior to the participant accessing the online lectures. Once online lectures have been accessed, there will be no refund. As long as the participant has not begun online lectures or received printed course materials via mail, they may email up to 2 weeks before the start date of their selected field session (if any) to cancel and receive a full refund. If the participant has received course materials via mail already, they will be required to ship those materials back to WTI at their own expense before the refund is processed. Alternatively, you may request a pre-paid label and your refund will be less that shipping cost. Cancellations in writing after the two week deadline, but more than a week prior to the session, will receive a 75% refund. No refunds will be given for cancellations during the week prior to a session. Please note: we also offer the option to carryover your registration to any confirmed field location this year or next year (but not beyond one additional calendar year from your original course registration year).

Course Confirmation

WTI confirms courses as soon as there is adequate enrollment to cover cost but no later than two weeks before the start of the class. We make every attempt not to cancel classes, but sometimes it is unavoidable.

After it is determined there are sufficient students to conduct a session, a confirmation letter will be emailed to those who have completed registration. It will provide course details including the course schedule, location, what to bring, and the phone number of the venue where the course lectures will be held (if applicable).

Accommodations and Transportation

Lodging and meals are not included in the registration fee. Most in-person sessions are conducted at commercial hotels. For all in-person courses of more than one day in length, WTI will attempt to reserve a block of rooms for participants to make their own reservations if they wish to stay at the course venue.
Transportation to and from course locations is the responsibility of each participant. In most cases, transportation for field trips is provided by WTI. Unless otherwise noted, courses begin promptly at 8:00 AM on the first day, and most end at 3:00 PM on the final day.

Contact Us

If you have any other questions about our courses or how to register, please contact our office anytime at or 877.792.6482.